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The Predictive Index

The Predictive Index or PI is the leader in Talent Optimization that empowers entire organizations to align their people strategy with business strategy for optimal business results. Talent Optimization isn't just a buzz phrase ... it's a real process with science base data that produces real results.  See what it can do for your organization.

The Core Group


Global Leaders

The Core Group affiliates provide guidance to develop and implement focused strategies to ensure your human capital assets are developed and managed to excel.


Carver & Associates

Carver & Associates is an international management consulting firm that has delivered transformational results by combining learning opportunities, customized classroom solutions, and coaching to accelerate and deepen development and provide sustainable internal support.

End burnout with engaged leadership.

vellum is a platform enabling leaders to end burnout. vellum  provides overburdened managers the tools they need to engage their team effectively, and guidance to know how to respond in the moment. A deeply connected team leads to higher retention, greater productivity, and a workplace where people thrive.



Propel is a learning and development partner of HCMi, LLC.

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